Friday, 29 July 2011

Preparing for Hawaii

The BTTB has had a proud and distinguished career in representing Burlington and Canada around the world at historic events.  From the D-Day celebrations (40th and 50th anniversary) to the liberation of the Netherlands by Canadian forces (50th and 60th anniversary) to name a couple and now to be the only non-American band to be invited to the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbour is another honour we are extremely proud of!

Four months today the BTTB will be boarding the plane to return home from what I believe will be a tour of great memories!  Of course when you think of Hawaii you think of paradise and there is no doubt that Hawaii is a beautiful place to visit.

The mountains, beaches, greenery, palm trees, laid back life style, the music, traditions, the history of the island and the people and of course Pearl Harbour.  All of these will combine into what will stimulate the senses in so many ways.  Add to that the visit and performance at Pearl Harbour while Bernie Comito, our Pearl Harbour survivor and his wife Jackie will be with us the entire time.  No doubt this will be a very emotional time.

We still have lots to do as we prepare for the tour including lots of practice, many performance leading up to the tour, lots of documents to get ready, tons and tons of tour logistics, getting our newer members ready,

Below are several various web links to site related to our tour.

Pearl Habour

News reel

1945 Color Video Vintage Footage

Great video of a Spontaneous Victory Parade in Honolulu  in1945.

Take a look at this video-absolutely fabulous! Notice the cars and jeeps, youth. The guys in khaki or gray shirts and black ties are Navy officers or chiefs. The rest are Army or Marine. How young they all were to do what they did.

President Roosevelt’s “day of infamy” speech    – from the movie “Pearl Harbour”

Wikipedia - Hawaii

Pictures / slide shows of Waikiki Hawaii

Polynesian Culture Centre

Our hotel

Hawaiian Web Cams

If you find a web site of interest email it to so we can share it with others.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Welcome to the NEW BTTB blogspot page!

Welcome to the new BTTB blog page.  Unlike the old page, this one will not only have blogs while the band is on tour but we will also post blog throughout the year on a wide range of topic from a number of contributors (band staff, band members, parents etc.)  Posting on practicing locations, band weekly updates etc WILL NOT be posted here.  Those will contiuned to be emailed out, posted ont eh band website - members area and on the band information tape.

There will be lots of information post here in the upcoming weeks and months as the BTTB prepares for the upcoming Tour to Hawaii.  However, please keep in mind all official information will be posted on the Band's web site, member's only area.

If you have any suggestion for topics please forward them to 


If you would like to submit a blog to be posted please submit your idea to

Thank you!