Sunday 3 May 2015

Netherlands Tour 2015

Do not forget to visit to see some of the daily picture of the band on tour.  these are only a small portion of the daily picture more will posted after we return!
Travel DAY 1 - May 1
While arriving at the music center our excitement went through the roof. Seeing all the band members, family and friends with smiling faces was heart warming. Pulling out of the Music Centre parking lot that’s when it really hit us that we are going to a different part of the world with our best friends. Arriving at the airport the excitement continued. While we were waiting around in all of the different lines, it hit us. We’re going to a different part of the world, and to get there, we need to go on an airplane, some of us don’t like airplanes. Getting to our seats preparing for take off the nerves sets in. The take off was bumpy which made out heart beat sky rocket. Once we reached altitude, we finally calmed down, with refreshments every hour. Eventually they dimmed the lights for us to sleep. Then, one hour later, they turned them back on for breakfast. Let’s just say that sleeping wasn’t on the menu. As we touched down, we were finally relieved that we were on solid ground. It’s surprisingly busy in an airport at 6 am, and we were surprisingly awake at 6 am. Let us clarify, their time. That’s 12 am our time. So that concluded the first day with excitement nerves and joy to be there.
Co-written by: Rebecca Mitchell and Connor Lawrence.

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