Sunday, 8 July 2012

July 5th - By Brenda Kerr and Vaessa Green

                Good morning! Breakfast on our own, whoop. 110+ people all cravin’ pancakes from Pancake Cabin. Before the check in an opportunity arouse. One like none other, swimming. Chris and Chris were guarding lives; life guarding at the pool. The pool was located at the motel which we were  allowed to swim at due to the wonderful kindness of the owner. Whom was obviously appreciatin’ the bands awesomeness. After the check in, Teen Tour be loadin’ on those busses like nobodys business. We then arrived at Smoky Mountain Heritage Centre. Upon arrival a quick unload for the loading crew one which was yes….extremely hot/sweaty.  WalMart provided the lunch which was happily consumed by all the band kids, chaps, and staff. It was delicious. After lunch, at the Heritage Centre the BTTB had a great concert practice.  The Great Jake Peppers was in attendance and for those who don’t know he is the reason the band went to Hawaii last year! We all appreciate Jake Peppers, and he enjoyed the band. The wind, rain, clouds, and tornado like weather promptly picked up. Concert folders flying, band kids squealing, and wind howling the situation was quickly brought to order. Civilians and band kids were rescued and brought inside to dry off… not even. As weather passed… kinda. The concert changed to an impromptu stand-up performance. The band said goodbye to dear friends; Kyle (Karl) Reynolds, Brett Dickenson, Robby Birse, Sebastian Johnston- Lindsay. We proceeded to play music ( which changed order) and do our best ( which we were told we succeeded at) and had some fun! The loading crew had to load up in the rain, colour guard rolled flags, and instruments were put away. The three BTTB busses and singular truck rolled out. Arriving on location the band members were given permission to stay up a little later and chill out with our homies. Bus cheers were had and late snacks were enjoyed.

Night all!!
J&Vanessa J

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